1000 Lb Sisters

‘1000-LB Sisters’ Fans Go Nuts Over Tammy & Amy Freak Show Pic

‘1000-LB Sisters’ Fans Go Nuts Over Tammy & Amy Freak Show Pic

1000-lb Sisters: Tammy Slaton - Amy Slaton

1000-lb Sisters fans are usually eager for new pics of Amy Slaton and Tammy Slaton. However, a pic has been circulating online that is freaking a lot of TLC fans out. So, what’s the latest on this?

1000-LB Sisters Fans Eager For New Pics Of Tammy Slaton

When it comes to pic updates of Tammy Slaton, 1000-lb Sisters fans are typically eager for the new updates. Many fans still can’t believe all of the progress she has made along her weight loss journey. Overall, pics from Tammy are few and far between. However, when they do come around, her weight loss is even more noticeable.

As 1000-lb Sisters fans regularly keeping up with her updates know, Tammy has lost so much weight that the topic of skin removal surgery has become a staple of the discussion. With over 440 pounds down and counting, many viewers think it won’t be long now until Tammy can officially go in and get the procedures done.

Tammy Slaton from 1000-Lb Sisters, sourced from Instagram
Tammy Slaton from 1000-Lb Sisters, sourced from Instagram

TLC Fans Keep An Eye On Amy Slaton’s Updates Too

While Amy Slaton has dropped weight over the years, her weight loss hasn’t been nearly as drastic as Tammy’s. These days, most 1000-lb Sisters fans keep up with Amy’s updates to see her babies, her latest hair color, or whatever new man she happens to be entertaining.

After things went south in a big way with her last new man, Kevin, Amy seems to have shifted her focus to herself and her two sons. The vast majority of 1000-lb Sisters fans are glad she seems to be getting her priorities in order following the split from Michael Halterman and all of the drama in the aftermath, including adjusting to her new reality of being a single mother of two.

Amy Slaton Halterman - 1000-Lb Sisters - TLC - YouTube

1000-LB Sisters: Fans React To Freak Show Pic

Recently, a pic has been circulating of an incredibly skinny Amy Slaton and Tammy Slaton posing for the camera. At first glance, it’s a shocking pic. It shows both Tammy Slaton and Amy Slaton looking skinnier than they’ve ever been. However, if you look closer, there appears to be a lot wrong with it.

It becomes clear pretty quickly that this is an AI-generated or AI-altered image. You can see a hand where the rest of Tammy’s leg should be. The proportions of both sisters also seem to be completely off. Naturally, this is inspiring some wild comments from fans.

1000-lb Sisters: Tammy Slaton - Amy Slaton
1000-lb Sisters: Tammy Slaton – Amy Slaton/Facebook
  • One 1000-lb Sisters fan said: “This is AI generated for sure. Aside from all the other signs, Tammy’s leg is a hand.”
  • Another TLC fan said: “After looking at all the details, it basically looks like they put their heads on a pic of two other people.”
  • A third commenter added: “So is that the side affect of weight loss surgery? Your limbs turn into other limbs? If so can I pick the limb?”

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