90 Day Fiance

90 Day Fiance: Alexei Earns Brownie Points with Fans

90 Day Fiance: Alexei Earns Brownie Points with Fans

Alexei Brovarnik earns brownie points with 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After fans. People praise him for stepping up and appreciating everything Loren Goldstone Brovarnik does for their household.

90 Day Fiance: Alexei Brovarnik Against Loren Goldstone Brovarnik’s Mommy Makeover

Alexei Brovarnik joins the latest season of Happily Ever After with his wife, Loren Goldstone Brovarnik. The TLC couple are parents to three children, all close in age. She spent the last few years pregnant and raising three little ones. So, she felt it was time to take her body back and get a mommy makeover despite what her husband thought.

90 Day Fiance: Alexei Brovarnik
Alexei Brovarnik | TLC

The 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After cast member wasn’t happy that his wife was going to go under the knife. He knew that the procedures were serious and that anything could go wrong. He also knew she would be out of commission for a few weeks and couldn’t help with the kids. So, he tried to convince her to back out of the surgery. But she didn’t listen.

Loren went against Alexei’s wishes and got her mommy makeover. The procedures went well. However, now she has to deal with the aches and pains of recovery. She won’t be able to move much or even lift her kids for several weeks.

Alexei Steps up after Loren’s Surgery

Alexei had to step up while Loren was in recovery. He had to take care of his wife and ensure that her healing went well. It was a lot for him to do. But he knew it was important to her. However, taking care of his wife wasn’t the only thing he had to do. They have three kids at home who also need their parents.


The 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After castmate stayed with his wife at a hotel for the first couple days after the surgery. His father and her mother took care of their three kids. However, her mother couldn’t watch them any longer, and his father couldn’t care for three kids alone.

So, Alexei had no choice but to leave Loren for a few hours as he cared for the household. The TLC star went back home to watch his kids and make sure the to-do list his wife gave him got done. He realized just how much his wife does to keep the house running. He started to appreciate her more and everything she did for their family.

90 Day Fiance: Alexei Brovarnik
Happily Ever After | TLC

Fans Praise 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After Celeb for Appreciating Wife

Alexei Brovarnik received a lot of praise from fans for appreciating how much women do to take care of their household. One person loves it when “a man realizes how much women work in the home.” Another person knows how hard it is to take care of young kids, so they say, “Kudos to him for trying.”

Many 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After viewers love Loren and Alexei’s relationship. One person thinks it’s a “supportive, healthy relationship.”Another person feels “he tries his best to be there for her and support her.”

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