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‘1000-Lb Sisters’ Exciting Clues TLC Is Filming New Season?

‘1000-Lb Sisters’ Exciting Clues TLC Is Filming New Season

Amy Halterman from 1000-Lb Sisters, TLC, sourced from YouTube

Is TLC filming new episodes of 1000-Lb Sisters?

Plenty of fans certainly think that’s the case. TLC notoriously keeps official renewals and cancelations under wraps until the last possible second, but fans believe there will be new episodes before long. 1000-Lb Sisters remains one of TLC’s most popular shows. Fans love Tammy Slaton and Amy Halterman and want to see more of their stories.

But what’s leading fans to believe new episodes are on their way?

Fans Want More Episodes Of 1000-Lb Sisters 

The last season of 1000-Lb Sisters had many ups and downs. Will another season be a rollercoaster ride too? Regardless of the content and storylines, fans will tune in.

But when is the new season coming out?

Tammy Slaton from 1000-Lb Sisters, TLC, sourced from YouTube
1000-Lb Sisters/TLC

“Anyone know when the new season comes on?” one curious Redditor asked online this week. Of course, no one knows for sure when TLC plans to air the new season. But plenty of other Reddit users had educated guesses based on previous years.

“I don’t think it’ll be until end of the year. Last year was Dec 12 so maybe around then,” someone suggested. Waiting for new episodes of 1000-Lb Sisters feels tedious, but plenty of viewers shared excitement over future content.


For example, plenty of fans brought up the fact that the family members were spotted in London. Although the family enjoys travel, they typically don’t venture very far from their own homes unless TLC is helping pay for the trip.

If Tammy, Amy, and their other family members truly were in London, that is almost certainly going to be a storyline in a new 1000-Lb Sisters season.

Other Reddit users shared:

  • “Their socials have gone quiet, so I would guess they are filming now.”
  • “Amanda was living in Florida with her boyfriend but just moved back to Kentucky because he ghosted her. So hope they start filming again soon!”
  • “I hope they get another season, and Amy is able to focus on getting in a better place mentally, and we see the awesome progress Tammy is making.’

What Could A New Season On TLC Feature?

As noted in the comments, 1000-Lb Sisters fans are delighted to see how much progress Tammy Slaton has made over the past year. Her physical health seems to be in much better shape. But on top of that, she seems to be mentally in a much better place as well.

No one knows what new storylines for the new season will look like, but fans hope Tammy will finally receive her skin removal surgery.

What do you think about the points Redditors made? Is another season of 1000-Lb Sisters just around the corner? Leave your own thoughts and ideas in the comments.

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