1000 Lb SistersMama June

Anna Cardwell Received Mother’s Day Love From Ex

Anna Cardwell Received Mother’s Day Love From Ex
Anna Cardwell-YouTube

The late Anna Cardwell received Mother’s Day love from her ex-husband, Michael Cardwell as well as his fiancee. They appeared to try to keep her memory alive for Anna’s daughter, Kylee whom she shared with Michael. So, what exactly did they do? Keep reading for more details.

Anna Cardwell Received Mother’s Day Love From Ex

This is the first Mother’s Day without Anna Cardwell and everyone is honoring her in a different way. Mama June Shannon and family had their own private moment to celebrate the mother of two. She currently has custody of Anna’s eldest daughter, Kaitlyn. As for Anna’s youngest daughter, Kylee, she lives with Anna’s ex-husband, Michael Cardwell. Kylee was the only child they had together though he is fighting for custody of Kaitlyn, as well. It is important to keep the girls together plus he has raised her since she was little and still helps to support her financially.

Anna Cardwell, Kylee Cardwell, Kaitlyn Shannon-Facebook
Anna Cardwell, Kylee Cardwell, Kaitlyn Shannon-Facebook

In honor of his late ex-wife’s first Mother’s Day in heaven, he wanted to make sure she was remembered, especially for Kylee. On his fiancee, London Smith’s Facebook, she shared a sweet photo of Kylee holding a teddy bear. In the center of the bear was a photo of Anna and Kylee smiling with the caption: “Happy Mother’s Day in heaven Anna Marie Cardwell.”

Kylee Cardwell-Facebook
Kylee Cardwell-Facebook

The moment fans saw this photo on social media and the big smile on Kylee’s face, a Reddit thread was started to acknowledge how Anna was being remembered. More so, the kind way she was being memorialized. Now, London did say that it was very simple, just a bear she grabbed at Walmart specifically meant to hold a photo. However, the meaning behind it was what had everyone emotional:

  • This is so adorable it looks like she has a great relationship with Michael’s new wife and they are working hard to include Anna in everything they do
  • Awwww, this is so sweet.
  • Wow she looks just like Anna!

Despite the sweet comments, followers had a lot to say about the girls being separated during this awful time.

Selfish Beings

It was really hard for Mama June fans to comprehend how Kylee and Kaitlyn were separated while mourning their mother. Furthermore, they did not feel June should be raising anyone, and, in a twist, many had anger toward Anna Cardwell. Though she was dealing with her own mortality, they believed she should have put her kids’ needs first.

  • Anna is the selfish one for not getting her affairs in order when she knew she was going to die. Call me cold for the opinion, but it’s true. Tell me you wouldn’t have set plans for your children in place if a doctor told you that you had stage 4 cancer… Selfish.

One added that she had time to promote useless products but did take the time to get her affairs in order. At the same time, Anna really struggled with the idea she might not be around to see them grow up.

What are your thoughts on the teddy bear Michael and London got to help celebrate Mother’s Day? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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