90 Day Fiance

90 Day Fiance: Julia Trubkina’s Body Transformation

90 Day Fiance: Julia Trubkina’s Body Transformation

Julia Trubkina from 90 Day Fiance shows off her recent body transformation. After a series of bad luck, she found herself putting on weight. But now, she is on a journey of taking her body back.

90 Day Fiance: Julia Trubkina Faces Bad Luck

Julia Trubkina has been open about her recent struggles. Last year, she dealt with many hardships. Her car was broken into, and important documents and cash were taken. The TLC star then found herself the target of hurtful comments from fans online. She also started to miss her family in Russia. However, with her documents stolen, she wasn’t able to leave the country.

90 Day Fiance: Julia Trubkina
Julia Trubkina | Instagram

The 90 Day Fiance reality star opened up about her mental health struggles. Being in a country where she didn’t have her family and friends nearby was hard for her to deal with. However, she was thankful to have her husband, Brandon Gibbs, by her side. She is also grateful for his family.

Julia found herself depressed, and that led to weight gain. The TLC star no longer enjoyed clothes shopping because she didn’t like how anything looked on her. She also revealed that her body image caused her to feel more depressed. She didn’t feel comfortable in her own skin.

Julia Shows off Body Transformation

Julia knew she didn’t want to live like this anymore. She always had a slim figure. So, she knew she had to make a change. In February, she decided to take care of her body again. She had been dealing with depression for two years. She felt it had completely knocked her down.

The 90 Day Fiance cast member shared snapshots of her progress over the past few months. She thinks the results of working out and eating better are “not bad.” But she also feels it is “not ideal.” However, she is proud of the progress she has made.

Julia has been getting supportive messages from fans over her battle with depression and body image struggles. She revealed that she sees these “warm messages.” She is grateful for all the support she gets from friends, family, and fans in everything she does.

90 Day Fiance: Julia Trubkina
90 Day Fiance | Instagram

The TLC celeb is only three months into her body transformation. She isn’t where she wants to be and still has a lot of work to do. But she isn’t going to give up, and the results so far are impressive. In a short amount of time, she has made a big difference.

90 Day Fiance Celeb Gets American Passport

Julia Trubkina may have had a rough year last year, yet this year is already starting to look better. Not only has she been on a fitness journey, but last month, she changed her status living in America. After a couple of years of living in the country, she got her American passport.

The 90 Day Fiance castmate admitted it was difficult to get her American passport. But Julia’s bad luck seems to be turning around.

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