90 Day Fiance

90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After – Mahmoud Bounces after Nicole Disses Him

90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After – Mahmoud Bounces after Nicole Disses Him

  Alexei Brovarnik, Big Ed (Ed Brown), Liz Marie Woods, Loren Goldstone Brovarnik, Mahmoud Sherbiny, Manuel Velas, Nicole Sherbiny

On 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After, Mahmoud El Sherbiny can’t take it anymore after Nicole Sherbiny disses him in front of her friends. Alexei Brovarnik feels drained just listening to the details of Loren Brovarnik‘s mommy makeover post-op care. Manuel Velas cracks some witchy humor. And Big Ed Brown downs liquid courage to face Liz Woods. Let’s break it all down in this recap of Season 8, Episode 7 Humpty Dumped Me.

90 Day Fiance: Mahmoud Sherbiny Wants Out after Nicole Embarrasses Him

It’s been rough for Mahmoud El Sherbiny on 90 Day Fiance. In just a few short days he’s endured frozen pizza, nude mannequins and accusations of gawking at covered up women. The final straw came when he refused to go to dinner with Nicole’s friends. Who decided it was a good idea to get drunk and descend on him while he was in bed. Nicole got angry when Mahmoud lied about his reason of not wanting to join the party.

Mahmoud El Sherbiny seeks solace from the chaos with a cigarette and fresh air. Nicole’s friend Julian runs interference, but Mahmoud isn’t taking advice from a sweaty buzzed stranger. Mahmoud El Sherbiny dashes like a frightened squirrel towards traffic. And Julian yanks him to safer ground and demand he sit. Back at Nicole’s place she calls him while her friends hover over her. He’s not coming back and says he’ll find a hotel.

90 Day Fiance production agree to drive him after he fumbles with getting an Uber. Nicole is peeved that he used her credit card for the three hundred dollar room charge. Mahmoud El Sherbiny survives the night alone and even manages to score some black tea for breakfast.

He calls Nicole and says he’ll be there to collect his things. She has a glimmer of hope that they can talk. But Mahmoud feels disrespected. He grabs his things, hands her some cash and his phone and bolts. He admits love may not be enough.

90 Day Fiance: Mahmoud El Sherbiny
90 Day Fiance: Mahmoud El Sherbiny

90 Day Fiance: Alexei Brovarnik Anxious over Loren’s Surgery

It’s the day before Loren Brovarnik’s mommy makeover surgery. Alexei Brovarnik is anxious about having to carry the load at home while she recovers. He’s unsure about laundry. Particularly folding and sorting tiny baby clothes. He suggests it’s not too late for her to call the whole thing off. But Loren is all in. She’s willing to take the risk for a taut tummy and thinner thighs. Alexei says he will support her.

But the long time 90 Day Fiance couple both get a little squeamish when the doc explains that Loren will be dripping fluids for about a week post-op. And Alexei will be in charge of collecting and measuring fluids in addition to washing and folding. Not to mention a full time job. Loren squirms too upon hearing she’ll be leaking post lipo. But it’s not enough to make her call it off. So it’s off to the operating room she’ll go.


Manuel Velas Jokes at Ashley’s Expense

On 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After,  Manuel Velas and Ashley Michelle are road tripping to Newark to meet his uncle. Manuel  wants to set some boundaries when it comes to talking about Ashley’s witchcraft career. Since his uncle is a religious man. Manuel admits he doesn’t like the W word. As it conjures up potions made with the hair of black cats, eye of toads and other unsavory things. He even cracks a joke about witches no longer needing broomsticks since they have cars now.

Manuel’s uncle is welcoming, but does bring up religion and biblical themes. Ashley cringes when he speaks of women coming from man’s rib and can’t resist speaking of her spiritual work with tarot cards. The uncle is a little spooked but overall says he accepts her in spite of  it. Later on Happily Ever After, Ashley and Manuel meet up for cocktails with her friend who can communicate with aliens and speak their language. Manuel jokes around and Ashley is infuriated and stomps off to grab another potion at the bar.


90 Day Fiance: Big Ed Brown Boozes after Break Up

It’s over for Happily Ever After couple Liz Woods and Big Ed Brown. There will be no real estate billboards featuring their mugs dotting the Arkansas highways. But rather just some dusty remnants of taco pasta and useless wedding invitations. Ed Brown goes into a local brewery and orders a light beer on tap. He’s invited Liz to meet up so he can tell her in person that he doesn’t want to marry her and has gotten most of his security deposits back.

Just as he sips into the beer, Liz calls and is pretty annoyed with his choice of venue. She says Ryleigh is with her and she doesn’t think a bar is the best choice to put the nail in the coffin of this tired relationship. Ed is annoyed of course but refuses to back down. While Liz isn’t sure about ending it all, Ed says his mind is made up and there really isn’t anything to discuss anyway.


TLC Couple Patrick Mendez and Thais Mendez Deal with Family in Brazil

On 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After, Patrick Mendes admits he’d rather beg for forgiveness than ask for permission. So, he didn’t mention to Thais that his dad, Jose would be stopping by as soon as the couple got to the apartment. After a long flight with a baby and a dog, Thais just wanted to settle in. But Patrick points out that his dad does own the apartment. Thais counters with the fact that they pay rent, and Jose keeps increasing it.

To make matters worse, Jose brings gallons of paint and a list of chores for his son to perform. He is happy to meet his little granddaughter Aleesi for the first time but doesn’t seem to care that Thais would rather have Patrick involved in family activities on both sides than doing chores. Patrick disagrees. Suggesting he likes to help out and doesn’t see anything wrong with dad’s demands. It’s about as exciting as watching paint dry.


90 Day Fiance: Jasmine Pineda Finds Comfort in Miami

Most of this season Jasmine Pineda has been ugly crying over her kids, being homesick and Gino Palazzolo in general. Today the couple are in better moods frolicking with breakout star Coco the dog in a park. Coco gets a wild hair and leaps from his stroller. Again hoping this will be the day he can run fast enough to escape his mom’s shrill screams and his dad’s nasally nonsense. But it isn’t to be. He’s snatched up again and praised for coming out. Yes, Coco is gay and prefers men, according to Jasmine.

There is sad news for Jasmine from home on 90 Day Fiance. Her mom has cancer. But it was caught early and her prognosis is good. Gino recounts his own mother’s battle with cancer. One she lost very long ago. But, Jasmine got some good news too. her friend Leandro has moved to Miami. And suggests they visit him for her birthday. So they pack up and fly to Miami. Jasmine admits she and an ex once fornicated in public with Leandro as a lookout. And Gino nasally chimes in he’d be into that too. Free Coco.


Happily Ever After: Kobe Blaise stands With Emily Bieberly

When we last saw 90 Day Fiance couple Emily Bieberly and Kobe Blaise, things were kind of blowing up at the club in Cameroon. While Emily thought a night out could help bridge the gap between her and Kobe’s friends, it actually made it worse. His friends suggest she should stay quiet and make sandwiches rather than raise her voice and glass with the guys. In her defense, they kind of all gang up on her. Leading to Emily walking off.

Kobe of course is right in the middle. He understands where his friends are coming from in the Cameroon boys club. But damn, Emily is his wife and mother of his two kids. So, he convinces her to come back. Emily pours herself a tall glass of whiskey and tries to make amends. But they can’t get over themselves long enough to hear her out and become insulting again. Kobe Blaise stands by his wife and suggests if they can’t be cool with Emily, they shouldn’t bother coming to the wedding. Till next time!

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