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‘My 600-Lb Life’ Is Season 12 Dr Now’s Last Season, Will He Be Replaced?

‘My 600-Lb Life’ Is Season 12 Dr Now’s Last Season, Will He Be Replaced?

Dr. Now From My 600-lb Life, Sourced From @younannowzaradan Instagram

My 600-lb Life star Dr. Younan Nowzaradan, mostly known as Dr. Now, has made tons of accomplishments as a surgeon throughout the years. He’s already had 12 seasons with TLC, making his show one of the most successful on the network. However, some Redditors think it’s only a matter of time before Dr. Now hangs up his scalpel. Keep reading to see why Season 12 may be the last of Dr. Now.

My 600-lb Life: Dr. Now Continues To Thank The Fans

Dr. Now has been making efforts to show how much he appreciates the fans. In February, the My 600-lb Life star hosted a meet-and-greet at his office, in which fans could take pictures and have chats with him. The bariatric surgeon also gave souvenirs to his guests and signed some memorabilia. He even shared a clip from his event and gushed over the long line outside his office. But it seems that Dr. Now’s recent actions are signs of his farewell tour ahead of his imminent retirement.

Dr. Now From My 600-lb Life, TLC, Sourced From TLC YouTube
Dr. Now From My 600-lb Life, TLC, Sourced From TLC YouTube

Some Redditors discussed the possibility that My 600-lb Life will officially end in Season 12. According to the poster, they saw a Facebook post about how the show’s already in its last season. Others agreed and pointed out how old Dr. Now is. Many viewers have also noticed that he’s starting to move a lot slower than he used to during the early seasons. Meanwhile, several commenters said that the 79-year-old Iranian deserves to enjoy the rest of his life.

Dr. Now From My 600-lb Life, Sourced From @younannowzaradan Instagram
Dr. Now From My 600-lb Life, Sourced From @younannowzaradan Instagram
  • “I read in a Facebook group that this is the last season, is this true? I know Dr. Now is getting older, so he’d. have to retire at some point.”
  • “He is really old now, he deserves to rest now and enjoy the rest of his life.”
  • “If he’s retiring, I hope they can just bring in a new doctor to take the reins of the business and the show. Years ago, he did have another doctor on for an episode or two. I thought at that point he was going to prepare the other doctor to take over.”
  • “I wouldn’t blame him if he did. Can you imagine going through all this work for these people and they constantly criticize, they lie to him, and nine out of 10 they never get the surgery. I would have enough for that too.”
  • “He is looking a little chunky himself.”

My 600-lb Life: Dr. Now May Get Replaced Instead

Another Reddit thread also discussed Dr. Now’s inevitable retirement. However, some people think that he would just get replaced by another surgeon named Dr. Heydari, who has already worked with him multiple times. Many fans also believe that TLC won’t let go of My 600-lb Life because of its popularity. There are also speculations that Dr. Now may still end up working but would only take consultations.

Dr. Now From My 600-lb Life, TLC, Sourced From @younannowzaradan Instagram
Dr. Now From My 600-lb Life, TLC, Sourced From @younannowzaradan Instagram
  • “Actually they already have Dr. Heydari onboard. He saved my best friend’s life when she had a herniated bowel obstruction and he’s a phenomenal bariatric surgeon. I suspect they may shift things over to him a bit.”
  • “He seems very nice and well equipped for the job he does. He’s no Dr. Now. What can you do tho.”
  • “Yeah most doctors would have retired like 10 years ago at least, so he’s clearly devoted. I also thought that if he still wanted to do the show, and or keep working, he could still do the consultations, but have someone else do the actual surgeries.”

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