Little People Big World

Little People, Big World: Chris & Matt’s Bromance Over?

Little People, Big World: Chris & Matt’s Bromance Over?

Matt Roloff and Chris Marek have Little People, Big World fans thinking their bromance is over. They have always been friendly to each other. But could it all be for the show?

Little People, Big World: Matt Roloff & Chris Marek Have a Guys’ Night

Matt Roloff invites Chris Marek to a guys’ night with a bunch of his friends. Amy’s husband feels it is a great opportunity to expand his friends circle. He also thinks it feels nice to be part of it.


Chris has known Matt for around six years. In the beginning, the Little People, Big World cast member was surprised that he was as friendly as he was to him. He usually hears exes are not too friendly with the new significant others. But when he sits down with Amy’s ex-husband, he feels they “talk the same language.” He thinks that they have a lot in common.

However, Amy doesn’t encourage her husband to hang out with her ex-husband for a guys’ night with his friends. But he feels she knew it was something he wanted to do. He finds it fortunate that she has gotten used to the idea that they are going to keep running into each other.

Chris & Matt on Good Terms

Chris feels like the TLC star is more like “a really good neighbor.” He explains that if he needs to borrow a power tool, he knows he can call him up. And if Matt has any questions about drywall, he can call him about it. He thinks they are comfortable about reaching out if they have a question about anything.

Little People Big World: Matt Roloff - Chris Marek
Matt Roloff & Chris Marek | TLC

The Little People, Big World castmate admits that Amy wasn’t on board with his friendship with her ex-husband at first. However, she has come to accept it over time.

Matt is happy that Amy seems to be fine with his friendship with Chris. He likes that they can get together and catch up on what they have going on in their lives. But are they not as closed as they used to be?

Little People Big World: Matt Roloff - Chris Marek
Little People, Big World | TLC

Little People, Big World Fans Think Bromance Is For Show

Matt Roloff’s friendship with Chris Marek unfolded on the show over the years. Viewers saw as they went to being friends to having a bromance. Some felt their friendship was odd since they both have a connection to Amy Roloff. However, others thought it was nice to see everyone getting along.

But some fans of Little People, Big World think that Chris and Matt aren’t as close anymore. One person feels it is now “only for the show” and seems “phony and forced.” Another person thinks that Amy’s husband is willing to engage with her ex-husband to assist her with her work on the show. A person also believes that the more they hang out with each other, the more they start to realize “they are two totally different people who don’t want to be around each other.” So, is the bromance over?

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