1000 Lb Sisters

‘1000-lb Sisters’: Tammy Slaton Accuses Family of Mental and Physical Abuse

‘1000-lb Sisters’: Tammy Slaton Accuses Family of Mental and Physical Abuse

1000-lb Sisters star Tammy Slaton made some shocking abuse accusations recently – alleging that her family had mentally and physically abused her. Then, she revealed the desperation she felt about living by herself, away from her family.

1000-lb Sisters: Tammy Slaton Records an Angry Message

Tammy Slaton from 1000-lb Sisters made a video back in 2018. In it, she goes off on a long angry rant about how people online need to stop making comments about her size and health. Then, she claims the people who are making unpleasant remarks about her size “don’t have any home training.” But, Tammy had plenty more to say.

While 1000-lb Sisters’ Tammy says she knows she’s got a “problem”, she blames her health conditions for why she is carrying so much weight. In the video, she says has “hyperthyroidism” and says that’s the reason she put on so much weight. While Tammy Slaton does admit that she has a problem, she reveals that she wishes people wouldn’t be so judgmental.

1000-lb Sisters: Tammy Slaton

1000-lb Sisters: Apple Causes Weight Gain?

After Tammy reveals the diagnosis of her health condition, she breaks down what it’s like to live with her medical issues. First, she explains that she knows apples are healthy to eat. Also, she makes a statement where she says apples are supposed to help people lose weight. But  she claims that she can eat a bite of an apple and still put on weight.

The 1000-lb Sisters star says that she doesn’t even have to eat the whole apple to put on a few pounds. Tammy Slaton claims even just eating the bite of the apple would cause her to gain.

1000-lb Sisters: Tammy Slaton

Accusations to Family of Mental and Physical Abuse from Tammy

Tammy Slaton says she knows that she overeats. But, the 1000-lb Sisters reality TV star says she’s stressed out because of what her family is doing to her. She says she’s always on “defense” about her family. Not only did she complain about how her family is always reminding her to lose weight, but Tammy also makes abuse accusations.

Tammy takes a deep breath before she opens up to her 1000-lb Sisters fans. She tells viewers she knows there are some people who are aware of what she’s about to reveal. She states “…about my family… some of ya’ll know… they’re mentally and sometimes physically abusive…”. Tammy doesn’t specify which family members she is referring to or give any detailed information about her allegations.

1000-lb Sisters: Tammy Slaton

1000-lb Sisters: Is Tammy Desperately Looking to Escape?

Next, in this 2018 clip, Tammy Slaton says she’s able to walk. Then, Tammy said she doesn’t need a cane or a walker to help her get around. She says she really wants to get out and live by herself. That way, she can start taking her health journey seriously.

Then, the 1000-lb Sisters star says she “hates” living with family. However, Tammy also doesn’t think moving out by herself is happening any time soon. While she says she’d “rather die” than live where she’s currently at, Tammy Slaton claimed in this video to not have anywhere else to go.

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