‘MBFFL’ Why Viewers Want Whitney Way Thore Cancelled

‘MBFFL’ Why Viewers Want Whitney Way Thore Cancelled

Whitney Way Thore - My Big Fat Fabulous Life - TLC - Youtube

My Big Fat Fabulous Life will return with Season 12, and the news was leaked by Whitney Way Thore. However, for some people, the TLC star getting more screen time is a “hard no.” Not everybody loved her, but the hate raged after she allowed TLC to air her mom’s illness and subsequent funeral. However, even before that, people felt grumpy about her antics.

TLC Fans Grew Irritated With Whitney Way Thore

My Big Fat Fabulous Life fans grew more than irritated with the TLC star in Season 11 when she behaved badly with her dad. Often, she treated him as if he were a child or a senile old man incapable of thought. Of course, the other irritation that arrived was the French Tutor. Nobody believed that they dated long-distance, so it was written off a reason to keep the show going.

Whitney Way Thore/Instagram
Whitney Way Thore/Instagram

Whitney Way Thore seems to attract haters just by showing her face on TV. For many people, she seems entitled, immature, and horrid to her friends and associates. Of course, some of that could be due to editing to keep the drama coming. However, there are MBFFL viewers who can’t for the life of them figure out why she landed the show in the first place.


My Big Fat Fabulous Life Fans Discuss Renewals

A TLC viewer took to Reddit and talked about re-watching the old seasons of the show. Unimpressed and perplexed, they said:

Still a Hard No…MBFFL repeats are popping up on TLC. They’d been blissfully scarce for a while. I stupidly watched some. Until the nail salon. Where Shitney not only displays her startlingly entitled, evil reaction to Heather telling her NoNo to surrogacy…what’s the big deal — it’s just a baby…she doubles down and blithely fires Ashley from No BS. Leaving her, in a bind.

MBFFL Discussion - Reddit
MBFFL Discussion – Reddit

The OP continued saying, “I find WWT even more repulsive the second time around. I’ve never felt such deep Cringe, over any TV personality. And there’s plenty of ‘em…” So, they hope the next season will “be the last of her.”

‘Hard No’ Agreement

Others in the discussion agreed to a “hard no” to more seasons of Whitney Way Thore, and they explained why:

  • I watched a couple of episodes and couldn’t figure out for the life of me why they made a show about this woman and why I should care. All I could tell was that she is a morbidly obese person not afraid to wear spandex and dance in public. Hellloooo, there’s a bazillion of us out here and I am way more entertaining.
  • That is one of the worst episodes where she truly shows her colors to her friends. How they put up with her for so long is beyond me.
  • Was watching them earlier too and how much she goes on about the French man, just for him to be forgotten about the next season. It’s all so fake.

What are your thoughts about Whitney Way Thore’s TLC show? Do you think it seems odd that the network still gives her a platform with MBFFL? Or, do you believe critics are too harsh on Glen Thore’s daughter?

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